My daughters are only 3 and 6 years old, but I could see us having fun making custom stickers, acrylic animals, doll furniture, gliders and who knows what else. First and foremost I would use it to show my kids how much fun it is to create and make projects that start with a simple idea and progress into a finished product. If this instructable turns out to be good enough to win me an Epilog laser cutter I would be incredibly excited. This was my first attempt at it though and I happened to have scraps of 5' x 36' clear acrylic. When I make another one I will probably make it in a more creative shape and use colored acrylic. If anyone uses the files to make their own board please post pictures and let me know what kind of customizations you made. I hope that this instructable was easy to follow. Now it's time to enjoy your new cribbage board.